Main Changes

Input that is suitable for the LATEX <#21#>article<#21#> style needs only a couple of modifications besides changing the document style to <#22#>automatica<#22#>. The 1 style file first has to be selected with a command of the form

The main differences with the usual article style file pertain to some definitions in the title page.

Automatica papers do not include author affiliations below or beside the name(s) of the author(s); use 7 to list addresses.

The default font size is 10 points, and <#27#>IFACart10.sty<#27#> will be used; the only other fonts available are 9 and 12 points, which are defined by <#28#>IFACart9.sty<#28#> and <#29#>IFACart12.sty<#29#> respectively. The default page style has been redefined and is now set by <#30#>automatica.sty<#30#> to ``8''.